Unscented Cat Litter

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Scented cat litter is bad for your cat mmmmmmkay

Over scented cat litter is harmful to your and your cat. Many don't realize this, and they should. Most of the products being pushed on consumers labeled to "maintain you cat odor with maximum odor protection" will just hurt your cat and cause you problems. It can cause your cat to lose it's sense of smell and obtain allergies and sensitivities. It can cause yourself allergies and sinus infections if the litter is too potent.

A cheaper brand and changing the litter box more often is one option open to you. I myself buy Special Kitty from Wal-Mart and change my 2 boxes that I have for my cat once a week. It's a good, cheap and unscented cat litter. The smell can get pretty bad, but you can add stuff like pet-safe baking soda to the litter to cut down on it without harming your cat.

Another route you can go is an organic blend if you have a little extra money, and even if you don't there are brands out there that are affordable. Wheat cat litter is on. It can smell pretty badly, but it's safe to use. Another one is clay unscented cat litter. There are other organic blends out there, but are pretty pricey, but your baby is worth every penny.

There are unorthodox ones out there too. My dad used to use this cat litter that was like little plastic balls that would absorb the pee and smell inside them. It was completely pet safe and in a good price range. He had 2 male cats and 1 female cat and I never smelled the boxes, not once.

The point is to avoid cat litter that can harm your cat. The scented blends are pretty much all bad. Most cats when you use a scented blend won't even use the litter box. It just hurts their nose too much! Every time they scrape the litter box, all that harmful stuff they put in the litter to keep it from smelling is inhaled by you and your cat.